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tripadvisor recensioni Aia vecchia

panorama Aia Vecchia

Agriturismo Aia Vecchia di Montalceto

Agriturismo Aia Vecchia di Montlaceto

AgriturismoAia Vecchia di Montalceto Asciano Siena

Agriturismo Aia Vecchia di Montalceto

Agriturismo in Toscana Siena Asciano appartamenti con piscina

domenica 28 febbraio 2010

A walk through the abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore

Incased in wild and dark beaty , the abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore rises up as an almost mystical suggestion of its imposing history nad size.
The roots of this benedectine monastery lie in the high Medieval era , when beato Bernardo , whose real name was Giovanni , of the noble Sienese Tolomei family , abandoned his wordly wealth and luxury to dedicate himself to a life of poverty and solitude , spent in the humble grottos of the Accona desrt.
In this inospitable place , which soon became a preferred destination of hermits and travelers alike , the congregation of the Benedictine Olivetani Monks was founded in 1319.
This order is distinctive for is white clothing a sign of purity.
the home of benedictine Olivetani monks maintainns still maintains its original configuration :
accesible from a thin strip of land between steep ridges and wells ,
the walls are adorned with brambles , spanish broom trees and thick vaegatation.

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