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tripadvisor recensioni Aia vecchia

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Agriturismo Aia Vecchia di Montalceto

Agriturismo Aia Vecchia di Montlaceto

AgriturismoAia Vecchia di Montalceto Asciano Siena

Agriturismo Aia Vecchia di Montalceto

Agriturismo in Toscana Siena Asciano appartamenti con piscina

sabato 20 febbraio 2010

Honorary citizen of Terre di Siena

Every year thousands of tourists are drawn to Siena and surrounding area.
Visitor have always been welcome in the Terre di Siena , and tourism has become one of the most important local industries
,providing valuable income and employment throughout the region.
However , the tourist industry also represents one of the greatest threats both to the beauty of the manmade and natural landscape , and to the integrity of local culture.
In 2003 the Sienese Tourist Boards chose to confirm the problem posed by tourism.
They organised a series of discussion groups all over the Province in which the local impact of tourism could be made for the future.
About 500 people partecipated in this discussion over the course of the year, and every local group agreed on the urgent need to develop a strategy for sustainable tourism.
This sustainability strategy was to be founted upon two principles:
the necessity for a long-term economy strategy that reflects absolute respect both for the natural environment and for the social and cultural traditions of the area
The recognition that tourism should be seen , above all else , as an exchange of social and cultural values.
This 2 principles lie at the heart of any successful tourist activity , making it both economically rewarding and culturally enriching for visitors and residents alike

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